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Office 365 Enterprise E3 5 Users

(18 reviews)
75.000,00 MT

Platform Windows Supported operating system Windows 7 SP 1 or higher Processor 1 GHz x86 processor or 64-bit processor with SSE2 Memory 1 GB RAM (32 bits), 2 GB RAM (64 bits) Hard disk space 3 gigabytes (GB) Graphics card DirectX10 graphics card, resolution at least 1024 x 576

  • Disponibilidade 50 em Stock
  • Transporte 01 dia de envio. Entrega grátis 30Km
  • Weight 0 kg
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Frete Fixo de 1500.00 Meticais

Informações do Produto

Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 - Professional Office Software Online Nowadays, working life is becoming less common on individual computers. Connecting with customers, business partners, and employees over the Internet is key for many industries, and Microsoft just made it a lot easier with Office 365. This software combines established solutions such as Word or Excel with easy online access to these applications and more. OneDrive is used as a cloud service where people can grant users access rights and work online on the same projects. With Office 265 no installation of Word, Excel or other Office programs are needed. Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 Target Audience The Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 download is a great tool for business users who want to encourage collaboration between teams at an office level. Microsoft 365 promotes web-based teamwork and encourages the exchange of data, including real-time changes. With Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 Key, users also purchase a wide range of add-on applications and services that will require an annual license fee. In the case of Enterprise E3, a professional e-mail solution with many additional functions simplifies communication within the company and with customers. Features of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 Microsoft Office 365 includes all the well-known programs associated with Office such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint; as well as additional programs like OneNote and OneDrive. Since Office 2013, the functions of Enterprise E3 are explicitly designed for corporate customers. In addition to the e-mail solution mentioned above, users can take advantage of other features like online conferences through the use of Skype. Furthermore, Office 365 allows for the easy creation and integration of social networks or mobile apps. For the most important applications such as Word and Excel, an online variant and a desktop version are available. Users can edit documents online allowing for several people to work on the same project at once. Depending on how the access rights are granted, each user will be able to edit, comment or just view the documents. Storing and sharing files is also a lot easier. The Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 Key can be purchased for an unlimited time and for up to 5 users per license. Compared to other more powerful enterprise solutions, Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 offers users the possibility of taking advantage of improved features and to use the platform on tablets, computers or even smartphones. Get A Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3 Key For Cheap Once you purchase the key, users will be able to find additional licenses for the Office 365 online package. After downloading the product, you can begin using the program. The Enterprise E3 Key provides the right to use Office 365 for a period of one year, after which a new agreement with Microsoft will have to take place in order for the product to continue working. Regular updates are guaranteed to all users to access the latest version of the Office programs at all times. Direct support by Microsoft Service is also guaranteed.

Informações do Produto
Peso 0 kg Altura 0 cm Largura 0 cm Comprimento 0 cm Modelo Nenhum Stock 50
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